a bi-directional communication paradigm for programming languages & microcontrollers
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~~~~~~~ arduivis - MaxMSP ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~ model#3: feedback ~~~~~~~~~
MaxMSP: arduivis_model3_feedback.maxpat
This is an example of to read sliders from PD.
An Arduino reads and parses this data, sending
it from the Arduino and back into PD. This
feedback data is then sent back to the Arduino
from Pure Data, controlling the PWM of a LED.
This code is in the public domain
written by Christopher Konopka
void setup()
// Create/open serial port
// Define LED mode
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// Slider from MaxMSP
int maxmspSlider;
// Feedback input from MaxMSP
int feedbackInput;
// Parse incoming MaxMSP slider values
// from MaxMSP, to Arduino
maxmspSlider = Serial.parseInt();
// MaxMSP Slider values to serial buffer
// [serial] object
// to MaxMSP, from Arduino
Serial.print(" ");
// Feedback Input
// From MaxMSP
feedbackInput = Serial.parseInt();
// Write parsed feedback values to LEDs
// Fading LED
// from MaxMSP, to Arduino
analogWrite(3, feedbackInput);
// MaxMSP feedback values to serial buffer
// [serial] object
// to MaxMSP, from Arduino
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