
a bi-directional communication paradigm for programming languages & microcontrollers

Getting Started FAQ Projects
    MaxMSP Pure Data Python NodeJS

    Python - Model #2: Input


    This is an example of how to send multiple streams of data from MaxMSP to a NodeJS server using an Arduino as a serial communication hub.


    ~~~~~~~~~ arduivis - NodeJS ~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~ model#5: multiple inputs ~~~~~
    MaxMSP: arduivis_nodejs_model5_multipleInputs.maxpat
    This is an example of how to send multiple streams of
    data from MaxMSP to a NodeJS server using an Arduino.
    synthesized by Christopher Konopka
    This example code is in the public domain.
    void setup() 
      // Create/open serial port
    void loop() 
      // Sliders from MaxMSP, 
      // sending to Arduino, 
      // read in NodeJS server
      int maxmspSlider1, 
      // Parse incoming MaxMSP slider values
      // from MaxMSP, to Arduino
      maxmspSlider1 = Serial.parseInt();
      maxmspSlider2 = Serial.parseInt();
      maxmspSlider3 = Serial.parseInt(); 
      maxmspSlider4 = Serial.parseInt(); 
      // Writing slider data to serial buffer
      // Values can now be read in NodeJS server
      Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(" ");


    var   splitData,
          servi       = require('servi'),        // include the servi library  
          app         = new servi(false);        // create new servi instance    
          serialport  = require('serialport'),   // include serialport library
          SerialPort  = serialport.SerialPort,   // create new serialport instance 
          portName    = process.argv[2],         // get port name from the command line
          latestData  = 0;                       // latest data saved from the serial port
    // configure the server's behavior:
    app.port(8080);               // port number to run the server on
    app.serveFiles("public");     // serve all static HTML files from /public
    app.route('/data', sendData); // route requests for /data to sendData() function
    app.start();                  // now that everything is configured, start the server:
    myPort = new SerialPort(portName, { 
       baudRate: 9600,
       // look for return and newline at the end of each data packet:
       parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\r\n") 
    // serial even definitions
    myPort.on('open', showPortOpen);  
    myPort.on('data', saveLatestData); 
    myPort.on('close', showPortClose);
    myPort.on('error', showError);
    // The port is open notification
    function showPortOpen() {
       console.log('port open. Data rate: ' + myPort.options.baudRate);
    // captures incoming from Max, through Arduino
    function saveLatestData(data) {
       latestData = data;
       // split the incoming data into array for easier access
       var splitData = latestData.split(" ");
       // collective array of all of the incoming data
       // individiual streams of incoming data from Max, through Arduino
       // console.log(res[0]);    // input1 from Max
       // console.log(res[1]);    // input2 from Max
       // console.log(res[2]);    // input3 from Max
       // console.log(res[3]);    // input4 form Max
    // closed port notification
    function showPortClose() {
       console.log('port closed.');
    // serial error notification
    function showError(error) {
       console.log('Serial port error: ' + error);
    // server function
    function sendData(request) {  
       // print out the fact that a client HTTP request came in to the server:
       console.log("Got a client request, sending them the data.");
       // respond to the client request with the latest serial string:

