
a bi-directional communication paradigm for programming languages & microcontrollers

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    MaxMSP Pure Data Python NodeJS

    Pure Data Model #4: Multiple Outputs


    This is an example of how to use a loop to write several streams of data to Pure Data, from an Arduino. A fading LED is used to provide visual feedback for this process.


    ~~~~~~~ arduivis - Pure Data ~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~ model#4: multiple outputs ~~~~~
    pd patch: arduivis_model4_PD_multipleOutputs.pd
    This is an example of how to use a loop to write
    several streams of data to Pure Data, from an Arduino.
    A fading LED is used to provide visual feedback for
    this process.
    This code is in the public domain
    written by Christopher Konopka
    void setup() 
      // Create/open serial port
      // Define LED mode 
      // PWM LED  
      pinMode(3, OUTPUT);     
    void loop() 
      // Loop variables
        int lp = 0;
        int startIncrement = 0; 
        int incrementLoopRange = 255; 
        int startDecrement = 255;
        int decrementLoopRange = 0;
      // Loop Function        
        lp = loopSystem(startIncrement, incrementLoopRange, startDecrement, decrementLoopRange);
    int loopSystem(int startIncrement, int incrementLoopRange, int startDecrement, int decrementLoopRange)
      int lp;
      // Loop #1
      // Incremental Loop
      for(lp = startIncrement; lp < incrementLoopRange; lp++)         
        // Incremental loop values to LED
        // Controls fade of 4 LEDs
          analogWrite(3, lp);    
          analogWrite(5, lp - 13);
          analogWrite(6, lp + 47);
          analogWrite(9, lp - 60);
          // Incremental loop values to serial buffer
          // [comport] object
          // to Pure Data, from Arduino
            Serial.write(lp - 13);
            Serial.write(lp + 47);
            Serial.write(lp - 60);
      // Loop #2
      // Decremental Loop
      for(lp = startDecrement; lp > decrementLoopRange; lp--)    
        // Deremental loop values to LED
        // Controls fade of 4 LEDs
          analogWrite(3, lp);    
          analogWrite(5, lp - 13);
          analogWrite(6, lp + 47);
          analogWrite(9, lp - 60);
          // Decremental loop values to serial buffer
          // [comport] object
          // to Pure Data, from Arduino  
            Serial.write(lp - 13);
            Serial.write(lp + 47);
            Serial.write(lp - 60);

